Saturday, December 15, 2012

How To Apply Internet Marketing To Build Your Small Business | List ...

Are you using Internet marketing to build your small business? I?m writing to share how to apply Internet marketing to turn your entrepreneurial yearnings into business success.

Rule 1 in applying Internet marketing to build your small business?

Don?t Multi-Task!

First, don?t multi-task in your own work! Because you?re more effective when you sit and do something, start to finish, without distractions.

Second, apply the same rule to your squeeze pages where you invite visitors to become subscribers. Because confused people do nothing! Your squeeze page is more effective when you let it do one thing, start to finish, without distractions.

Recognize that your landing page that you use as a squeeze page to get contact information matters because it has exactly one job. When you feel a need to do more than one job make an?extra squeeze page.

Landing pages that get contact information from your visitors exist so you can add people to your list as a subscriber. That?s converting visitors to subscribers.

You invite visitors to be subscribers so you can contact them again. Otherwise you?re leaving them in the lurch. Because you can?t help much if you can?t connect!

Rule 2 in applying Internet marketing to build your small business?

Relationships Rock!

Every time your landing page does its one job successfully you get a shot at connecting with another person who may be your best future buyer. You?re allowing yourself to develop relationships with future buyers.

Building your small business is about relationships. Whether you?re applying Internet marketing to drive offline sales or to create an online business, it?s all about the same thing.

Relationships matter.

Rule 3 in applying Internet marketing to build your small business?

Deliver results!

Your landing page results drive traffic because when you get contact information you can connect with people. When you connect with people, they?ll return to your stuff online.

When people show up to your stuff, whether it?s a lens on Squidoo, an article on your own website or someone else?s website, a post in a forum, or some other combination that spells YOU on social media, do you know what?s happening?

I?ll tell you what?s happening. You?re getting a shot at delivering results.

Sure, it?s a small amount of results you can deliver for free with stuff you merely post online. But when that sparks a request for more information, you get to deliver more of you.

More of you means more results to the person on the other end.

Results received by someone who?s ready for change and willing to take action can transform their life.

There?s more!

When you think about doing something from start to finish, connecting with people and delivering results, you?re on the right track. But you?ve got to take action yourself or you?ll simply be run over sitting on that track.

The train of the Internet is relentless, so you?ll want to automate or your business will get run over if it?s stuck, even on the right track. You can learn some of that from an article I wrote called ?How To Build A List SO You Can Get Paid?


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