Setting up a business online needs several things in order to establish it with better results. One important thing to consider when creating an online business is to make sure that you are recognized and known by online users. It would be a waste of time, money, effort and attention to create a business website without the assurance that it will be viewed and be accessible on the internet. Thus, you need to find ways to ensure online presence and accessibility.
Web hosting is a major factor in e-commerce and all online businesses should take this matter seriously. There are different hosting services to take into consideration and each type offers different range of benefits. If you are new to online marketing and you own a small business, then you should be familiar with web hosting as you will certainly take advantage of it to get better job opportunities online. The cost of hosting service varies from one type to another. If you are on a budget, then you may consider looking for free web hosting services online.
Free Web Hosting Disadvantages
Some considerations should be determined when choosing free web hosting services. Some of the things you need to be familiar with include the limitations and the disadvantages of choosing this type of hosting service. While the main advantage of free hosting is that it is free and you do not need to pay anything to the host, the bad side of a free hosting service seems so threatening that you really have to pay attention to them.
The disadvantages of free web hosting services include:
- Though you will be offered a free hosting service and that makes you happy because it is free, the consequence that you will get from it may harm your business. You have to be aware that the free hosting space provided to you will be filled with pop ups, banners and other ads in all your web pages. Thus, they may become an irritation to the visitors and may be discouraged to even continue viewing your site. It is okay if visitors are willing to deal with the annoying pop ups as long as they get what they need. However, there are visitors who cannot take this kind of nuisance. If you are marketing your business, then you may have to think if this is the best type of hosting service you need.
- You can?t get a professional URL. Your domain name may be long and difficult to remember. This can somehow reduce business opportunities and you may want to take care it by changing another type of hosting. Be aware that the domain name is owned by the provider and you will get an ID. You have to pay for registering your own domain name. In this case, it would cost you more than registering from dedicated domain registrar.
- Only email support is available. Providers have to give priority to the paid members. If you avail the free web hosting service, then you have to wait for your turn. You will still be restricted to attaining email support even if you want to upgrade to their paid plan.
- Free web hosting service is prone to server downtime.
You may still want to consider free web hosting services over other types. If you do not mind the forced ads on your site, then you can live with this hosting type. In addition, this hosting service is for you if you do not care about getting email support, which is the only support you will get from it. If you only create your own website just for the sake of owning a personal blog, then you do not need to have a domain name with a ?professional? label on it. If you are not furious about experiencing a server crash or a website down for several days, then free hosting may be your call.
Other Things To Consider Regarding Free Web Hosting
If you can?t afford to pay for an expensive web hosting service, then you may not have a choice, but to settle for the cheaper one. Though you may benefit from it in terms of the low cost, you still have to consider looking for other things. You need to remind yourself that cheap is not as good as it seems to be when it comes to web hosting. Be aware that most providers that offer free hosting provide limited offers as well as features including limited designs, patterns, templates and other layouts of your website. Though they may seem convincing, you still have to gather information before you decide to choose one.
You need to determine the services offered by the free web hosting you have in mind. There are many limitations when you avail free hosting. If free web hosting companies that you find claim to offer exaggerated plan, then you need to make study those providers. Every provider has a set of conditions that clients should meet. You need to read it carefully so that you will not miss any important detail included in it. Other than checking the terms and conditions of a particular provider, you also have to focus on the security features that it claims to offer as well as the operating system used. It would not be wise to consider a one to two year contract with free web hosting plan especially when you are planning to change to a new provider. You have to determine if the provider you want to consider will allow you to change to another web host company.
Web hosting providers, those that offer free hosting for instance, may offer several promises. While they may deliver everything they claim, you still need to be careful because you may deal with a provider that promises numerous things that it cannot deliver. Something is suspicious when something is free. In the case of choosing a free web hosting service, being cautious is necessary. Reputation really matters and that is why, choosing for a reputable and honest free web host company should be considered a part of your priorities. You may refer from different reviews that you search online to determine if the provider you have in mind is okay or not.
Joy is a young passionate writer and he writes for many technology sites and his favorite topics are web hosting, web hosting reviews of 2013, top web hosting and many more. He has spent almost 10 years in web hosting industry writing reviews.
An avid blogger and social media freak. Aswani is the admin, owner of one stop blog where he has been blogging since 2008. His blog specializes in blogging, blogging tips, seo, social media, technology and related stuff,
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